Secret Cabals of Satanic Pedophiles Are on the Rise. Again.

Let me say this right upfront so there’s no confusion going into the rest of this: Pedophiles are real. Kidnappings and abductions are real. Sexual predators are real. However, highly organized satanic pedophile rings? Not real.

Got it? Great. Now, if you’re still with me or just want ammunition to fire back at me about how wrong I am, keep reading and I’ll tell you all about how this thing got flipped, turned upside down. It’ll only take a minute, just sit right there…

Organized child abuse by sinister, secret forces is nothing new. Well, I should say, the idea of it is it nothing new, and it comes around in cycles just like brand new diet crazes that were brand new diet crazes thirty years ago and again thirty years before that. Wait a generation and you have a whole new bunch of people to con.

Back in the late-’80s, the McMartin Preschool Trial was in full swing. If you’re too young to remember that far back, it was the Pizzagate of the ALF era. Basically, they were allegedly abusing and torturing children at their day care facility, which came complete with underground tunnels and rooms. You know, like with Pizzagate. Weird. I guess satanic pedophiles have a thing for digging.

You can go read the Wikipedia article on it if you want, or just Google “McMartin Preschool Trial” and click on whichever conspiracy site floats your boat. There are plenty.

Around the same time, we also had the Franklin Child Prostitution Ring which more or less amounted to the same thing as the McMartin case but added in layers of intrigue with the rich and powerful sneaking kids away from Boy’s Town to be sex slaves in Washington D.C. for the night, then it was back to Nebraska. A documentary was made on that one, which you can easily find on the internet if you’re so inclined.

Both cases had no such satanic pedophile cabals or anything, though. Some unsavory characters in the mix, sure. But a highly organized clandestine sex trafficking ring? Nah, dawg. Didn’t happen.

Now we have Pizzagate and the Wayfair Scandal and whatever other nonsense QAnon is rehashing, especially in light of the #MeToo movement and Jeffrey Epstein. Here’s the thing, though. Abuse happens. It happens a lot. It happens often. And it happens everywhere – except in the dramatic, exciting, cloak-and-dagger ways these stupid conspiracy theories portray it.

I’m not gonna bother trying to debunk any of these conspiracies because smarter people than me already have, but believing in this crap breaks your brain. There’s really no other way to say it. A perfectly ordinary person of reasonable, even advanced, intelligence can find themselves slipping into these conspiratorial patterns of thinking and, before too long, they’ve been dragged deep into a web of sinister organizations out to rule the world.

Which would be fine, I guess. Whatever makes life worth living for you. It’s just that believing in nonsense when it comes to the sexual abuse of children tends to blind people to the very real sexual abuse that happens every single day across the nation.

The only high-level conspiracy going on as it relates to pedophilia is in the Catholic Church, but people don’t like talking about that – and, even then, we know about it. It didn’t stay hidden forever. Some of us have known about it longer than we’ve (collectively) known about it, too. Sinéad O’Connor lost her career trying to bring awareness to it way back in 1992, right around the time many people were ready to believe in outlandish, cartoonishly-evil satanic pedophile rings. They just weren’t ready to see it so close to home yet, and definitely not in their churches.

Yes, hundreds of thousands of kids go missing every year. That’s a true statistic the conspiracy theorists love to cite. However, what they leave out is how most of them are found and returned home just fine. Those who aren’t are usually abducted by a friend or family member, not random sex trafficker snatchers who scoop them up at the bus stop one day before renting them out to a senator on the black market the next.

Seeing these theories go around pisses me off because people would rather believe in some vast, global conspiracy than the mundane abuse they choose to ignore. The uncle who’s a little too friendly with his nieces or nephews. The family friend who has an awful lot of little boys hanging out at his place on the weekends. The kindly priest in your parish with the glint in his eye. The youth pastor with the spiky hair and the cool goatee and the extra grabby hands. (I wrote a book with stories directly addressing this shit. Abuse is very real and very raw and always awful, and none of it has anything at all to do with paranoid conspiracy fantasies on YouTube.)

This is where abuse really happens. But yes, there is plenty of abuse in Hollywood. The #MeToo movement has shown that beyond a shadow of a doubt. Are kids abused in Tinseltown, too? Of course they are. That town, that whole industry, exists to use people until they’ve run their course and it spits them out. I can’t think of any reason why it wouldn’t do that with kids as well as adults.

Does that mean it’s an organized cabal, though? Nah. These things are always limited to a small circle because anything larger without, say, the resources of the Catholic Church to help keep things quiet, tend to attract attention and the truth comes out. Sure, some of you might be saying that’s exactly what we’re seeing happen now, but it isn’t. What we’re seeing now is the same thing we saw with the McMartin case and the Franklin case and Pizzagate and anything you hear about “the elite” doing awful things with children on a grand scale. It’s all bunk. It’s all distraction.

Dig deep enough, and these things are like mystery religions in that they withhold the “truth” until you’re fully committed to the cause. They most often have their origins in racism and bigotry, usually aimed at “international bankers and the wealthy elite who run this country” who, when you keep digging, almost always turn out to be Jewish families. Weird, huh?

These days, the surface level of “elites” most often means liberal democrats, since the latest conspiracies are being touted by far right ideologues. But keep digging, and I’m sure you’ll hit bedrock at the Rothschilds. It’s always the Rothschilds.

Do people born into dynastic wealth get up to some freaky shit? No doubt. When you can do and buy anything, eventually the only exciting things are all the things you’re not supposed to be able to do or buy. I get it. But do they control a secret sex trafficking network so they can ritually abuse kids for their dark lord Satan?

Prolly not.

Quick sidenote: I’ve always found it odd that Christians are quick to label atheists as Satanists. A friend on Facebook recently posted some miracle conversion from a wannabe actor/musician who left behind his “atheist Satanic lifestyle” to follow the baby Jesus and cash in on his recovery with eBooks and sponsored YouTube videos. Whatever. More power to him, I guess. Make that money, yo. Still, atheists don’t worship Satan. They don’t believe in Satan. That’s why they’re called atheists.

Look, I know some of you have the best intentions. You just want to protect kids, and what could be wrong with that? Absolutely nothing! That’s a great goal to have. Just don’t let these conspiracies drag you down into the nonsensical depths because then the only people you’ll be helping are the ones shoveling the bullshit.

Social media and conspiracy theories break your brain. They really do. Occam’s Razor goes out the window and you suddenly start seeing the most complicated, convoluted, ridiculously complex solution as the only probable one. To put it another way, that’s the exact opposite way reality works.

See? I told you this would get flipped, turned upside down.

Want an example? ‘Course ya do! Here’s one. Ask yourself why it’s more likely leaders across the entire world conspired with every doctor and scientist and healthcare professional in every country on the planet to invent a hoax virus to keep Trump from being re-elected than it is to just believe shit happens and then we have deal with it.

Even Epstein didn’t have an intricate sex trafficking ring going on. He did what pretty much every abuser does: he identified vulnerable kids, groomed them to accept his advances, then moved on with the abuse. Now, could he have involved other adults? Of course. He did, probably more than we’ll ever know about. Still a small circle though, not a complex satanic ring of pedophiles who torture kids to drink their adrenalized blood. (Yeah, that’s a thing they do, apparently. Those wacky satanist, y’all.)

That last one actually has its roots in the UFO community, specifically on the David Icke branch of the family tree, but that’s another essay for another time.

For now, if you want to help kids, keep an eye on the adults in their lives. If you see something suspicious, let someone know. If you get a bad vibe off that creepy uncle, let somebody know. If a kid comes to you with an allegation, listen to them and let somebody know.

Real abuse really happens.
Let somebody know.

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