I Say Tomato, You Say 蕃茄!

engrish_signs_t.jpgI was thinking about Christmas again today, and about just how little your average person knows about the holiday and the origins of its various traditions. I was going to prepare a lengthy examination of the collective stupidity of the herd mentality that blindly follows tradition without asking “Why?” but, instead, I thought I’d start things off a bit lighter and work my way to the good bits in later entries.

With this in mind, I thought about the whole translation issue as it pertains to the Bible. There are people out there who truly believe that the Bible just sort of materialized one day, fully printed, bound, and stamped by The Gideons. It is the Word of God, after all. Read More

The Times, They Are A-Changin’

corporate_flagWell, Americans elected a black man for President yesterday, and judging by the jibbering and chittering coming out of the mouths of your average Texan today, you’d think the devil himself will be sacrificing goats and raping virgins at this year’s inaugural ball.

Seriously, the amount of blatant racism on display is staggering, and the fact that most of it is couched in a pseudo understanding of the political process and gross oversimplifications of the geopolitical stage doesn’t really hide what the comments are really about. To white folks, at least in the predictable South, there are few things more terrifying than a black man with power. The only thing that truly concerns me has to do with white flight and escalation. I know a good many canuks, and I promise you – Canada doesn’t want them. That leaves Mexico which, personally, I’m rooting for. Read More

I’ve Gotta Have Faith-a, Faith-a, FAITH. AH!

10_commandmentsHalloween is coming up and, down in the Bible Belt, that can mean only one thing: the Devil is coming to eat the souls of your children!

Stop laughing! I’m quite serious.

It’s a well known fact that faith, in general, makes people stupid. In the South, however, religion takes people of already questionable intellect and not only makes them dumber, but injects into them a level of righteous indignation that only grows more furious the closer they come to realizing just how stupid they really are.

There’s nothing quite like watching the Holy Rage wash over a redneck when it dawns on him that he’s willingly participating in a societally-accepted form of being an adult who believes in Santa Claus. Read More