The Land of the Free, Not of the We

empty-headI am not a team player, except when I am. I hate teams, except when I don’t. I am neither a liberal nor a conservative, except when I’m a democrat or a republican. I’m just me, flawed and faceted and independent. However, in a nation built on the very idea of independence itself, one which was forged in the insurrectionary crucible of the elegant and dangerous idea that all men are created equal and free, I am a minority. I grew up in public schools and pledged daily allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands. However, as the days of my youth slipped by into the long and disillusioned years of my life, I began to understand one simple truth. I discovered that I was pledging my allegiance not to a flag or to a nation, but to an idea – to the simple and seditious belief in unregimented sovereignty over oneself. It is an idea as old as the Continental Congress, but it has been too long neglected and forgotten, retired to the dark and cobwebbed corners of the national attic. Read More

Exhaustion And Gulliver’s Coffee, With Culinary Bonus Feature

Even after trimming my blogging schedule to twice a week, I still don’t seem to have enough hours in the day. There’s the omnipresent wedding and honeymoon planning to be done, along with everyday time sinks like working and writing and sleeping. I’ve always hated sleeping. It just seems like such a wasteful enterprise, lying unconscious for eight to ten hours out of every day. In the past, I rarely slept more than three hours a night and I loved it. That was, of course, before I had a three-year-old in the house. Now it’s early to bed and early to rise, which – contrary to popular belief – does not make a boy healthy, wealthy and wise. It just makes him tired. For example: Read More

On My Honor, I Will Do My Best To Be Prepared (To Argue)

Let’s be honest. Most of you reading this site don’t know me personally, and we will never meet. Many of you come from states I’ve never been to and that I don’t plan on visiting, while others come from far off places in foreign lands with unpronounceable names that I’ve never even heard of and I worry you might not be gathering a proper representation of who I am by some of the things I write. To that end, I thought I’d spend a little time today describing myself with a bit more detail than I have in the past. Read More