The Honeymooners, or: Pow! Right In The Kisser!

The honeymoon is over. I know this not simply because another Monday has dawned over a new week like a searing nuclear blast of fissionable suffering (as Mondays so often do), but because Brittany and I spent Thursday night through Sunday night wrapped in the warm embrace of our official Honeymooning period. During this time, we enjoyed the sights and sounds and all the best that New England has to offer. Or, we took in the rustic pleasures of Austin, TX or the cosmopolitan glitz and glamour of industrial Houston. Our exact destination depends on who you ask and which lie we told, but truthfully we never left the comfort of our own home. Read More

The Wedding, With Pictures And Minimal Snark!

It’s picture pages day here at Coquetting Tarradiddles, and I’ve got a dozen or so wedding photos to share with the quivering horde of my readership. I’ll (try and fail to) go light on the prose and heavy on the visual aids today, so let’s get started. For the less net-savvy amongst you, remember that you can click on any picture for a larger version. The first photo up for viewing was taken after the ceremony, during the interminable period of posing that follows any wedding, where the same smile must be replicated without end as the infinite combinations of interchangeable people are interchanged and combined before the blinding strobes of incessantly exploding flashbulbs and plaintive requests to ‘hold that pose and say cheese!’ People say it’s a long journey to the altar, but this is misleading. The longest journey is, in fact, walking away from the altar, as friends and family are arranged around you in every possible order in a twisted photographic version of a jumbled Rubik’s Cube. Eventually, owing to the expense of film in the past and now, presumably, to the limited battery life of digital cameras, the voracious appetite of the photographer is sated and the wedding can proceed to the reception. Read More


I’m writing this at noon on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 and I have been a married man for three days, seventeen hours and thirty minutes – but who’s counting? I’d love to say that it’s been a great few days and some-odd hours, but I’d also love to say that I have adamantium bones and can fly. Some things just ain’t true, no matter how much we might want them to be. And, to say that the past three days, seventeen hours and thirty minutes of my life have been spent enraptured by the warm and glorious embrace of matrimonial bliss would be like standing at the tippity-top of Liar’s Mountain to shout fictitious truths down at the heart of the world. The sad reality is that, for the past three days, seventeen hours and thirty minutes, I have been living a Greek tragedy. Read More