Posted on January 14, 2010
The Relentless March Of Time, With Dancing!
The worst part about a terrific vacation isn’t when it ends. No, the worst part comes several days after it’s over, when you’re back in the real world and wistfully remembering how much fun you were having exactly one week ago, while acknowledging just how much fun you’re not having right now. It’s the curse of a great holiday to miss it when it’s gone, yet we must remember that such passing misery is but a small price to pay for those brief annual glimpses of joy that vanish from our lives just as quickly as they came flittering into them. Read More

Posted on January 13, 2010
To Infinity, And Beyond!
Well, the Great Exodus From Texadus is over and we are back from the magic of Walt Disney World, left to wallow in our misery and warm gulf coast air. You know you’re almost back in Texas when you pass into the hideous stain of Louisiana, traveling west along Interstate 10. The smell of refineries begins to permeate the air and the odious stench passes into your soul through your nostrils, even as it concurrently settles on your body like a death shroud, seeping into your skin and settling itself deep into the warm and squishy parts of your favorite bodily organs. Breathe deep, and you get the cancer. Touch your flesh to any exposed surface, and you get the cancer. Drink the water, cancer. Eat the food, cancer. Hell, just thinking too hard about such a gangrenous carbuncle of a state is enough to make you sick, so if you have to pass through it, at least do it quickly. Don’t linger. Read More

Posted on January 8, 2010
Tweet, Tweet, Tweet!
I’m taking the easy way out tonight. Throughout our time here, I’ve been sending tweets to my Twitter account about what we’ve been doing. So, instead of writing a lengthy blog after a long and rewarding – but tiring – day, I think I’m just going to post the relevant tweets from the past couple of days and leave it at that. I’ll be back next week with a more detailed retelling of the wonderful time we’ve been having on our first family vacation, but until then, head over to http://www.twitter.com/UncleJeet/ for live updates, if you’re so inclined. Read More
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