Posted on May 4, 2010
Today is the day that I’m finally on WordPress and free from the tyrannous shackles of Blogger’s incompetence. Took me long enough. I think the first thing Bloggers learn about blogging (apart from how much money isn’t in it), is that they should have never signed up with Blogger to begin with, which is always followed by their second revelation: that switching platforms mid-blog is a sharp and terrible pain in the proverbial tuchas. Eventually, the third thing they learn is that, regardless of how painful and tedious the conversion process is, staying with Blogger hurts even more – and it keeps coming back for seconds. Read More
Posted on April 27, 2010
Laissez le bon temps rouler, moins les fruits de mer
This past Saturday, I did a very Southern thing and went to a crawfish boil – but not just any crawfish boil, mind you. This was the first crawfish boil I’ve ever willingly attended, due to my overwhelming aversion to the hideous creatures featured on the menu. I’m not sure how or why a person would ever decide to try eating one of the squirmy and alien looking crustaceous bastards, but somewhere someone did, and the rest is Southern History. I just can’t get over how repulsive the creatures look, even after they’re boiled and seasoned and take on the color of a cheap whore’s Crotchfire-Red lipstick. They’re just disgusting to me and, although I know my aversion is purely visual and has nothing whatsoever to do with how delicious they may (or may not) taste, I can’t bring myself to crack open a bumpy red exoskeleton to find out. This is, of course, seen in the South as a sort of questionable form of mental illness, but I’m used to being a stranger in a strange land, even after I’ve lived here for thirty-five years. Read More
Posted on April 22, 2010
Money. It’s a gas!
I’ll be brief today, but not out of some kind of misguided sense of loyalty to the unwritten Internet law that says anything longer than two paragraphs will be ignored by 98% of waterheaded netizens. Instead, it all comes down to time and money, and the lack thereof. It’s no great secret that the slow decay of my strange and lunatic first marriage left my personal finances in a state not altogether different from the emotional scarring one might associate with prison rape, and I’m still recovering from the fiscal damage almost a decade after having said “I do” rather than “Oh, hell no!” And, after the unfortunate experience I recently endured at the merciless hands of Beaumont ISD’s mystical payroll voodoo magic that exploited my good nature to rob me of two week’s pay, things are looking pretty grim on the money side of my pursuit of happiness. It has been, after all, a month and a half since I last saw a full paycheck bounce gleefully into the plus column of my bank account, while the minus side has been sitting there growing ever fatter on a high interest diet of endless withdrawals, all the while smiling at me in the same sinister way a spider might look at a fly before offering it a nice (if sticky) bed for the night. From within you, it devours… Read More
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