Posted on July 18, 2011
The Exodus From Texadus
It’s not easy being a Texan when the rest of the civilized world ranks your state’s politics somewhere between corporate prostitution and eating babies, but it’s home. And I hate it.
Don’t get me wrong, though. The area of the Lone Star State in which I unhappily reside does have its good points. For instance: the weather is always a pleasant 50,000 degrees and, with no shortage of refineries spewing toxins into the air around the clock, you never have to wonder if you’ll get cancer. Because you will.
You might have heard that Texas is the gem of the nation when it comes to having jobs in this miserable economy, and it’s true. Sort of. Read More

Posted on June 30, 2011
Life & death. Or just Death.
Or rather, the friendly staff of Switzerland’s Dignitas clinic is going to politely assist him to death.
This is a deeply personal decision on the part of Sir Pratchett and I really have no business commenting on it. But I’m going to, anyway. Probably because I’m a tactless American.
Part of me (the smaller part) wants to applaud him for taking the reins on his life to determine exactly when and where he’ll go quietly into that assisted good night. But the larger part of my personality (the one that likes to whisper horrible things directly into my frontal lobe at night, just after I fall asleep and just before I wake up screaming) wants to slap him around a little until he promises not to do it. Read More

Posted on June 30, 2011
Hallalujah, Texas
If you’re not from Texas, you probably won’t understand Texas. But one thing you can understand about Texas is that it is a strange and silly place, not entirely unlike Camelot. Except without all the singing.
Here in Texas, we have a governor. His name is Rick Perry. He has great hair. And that’s about all I can say about him, according to the international rules of motherly advice of the ‘if you can’t say anything nice…’ variety.
If you live in the USA (as I’m sure at least a few of you do), then you’re probably familiar with the Bible Belt. If you’re not familiar with the Bible Belt, it’s pretty easy to get a handle on. Just rent yourself a copy of Footloose.
Yeah, it’s like that. Read More
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