Posted on January 13, 2014
Pew Pew Texas
Texas: Where walking through the mall with a switchblade in your pocket is illegal, but strapping an AR15 on your back is a God-given right.
I tweeted that the other day, in response to this. In short, this guy Derek Poe owned (past tense) a store in the local shopping mall called Golden Triangle Tactical and decided to drum up some publicity, stir up some controversy, come up with a way to break his lease, exercise his 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms by strapping an AR15 on his back and strolling into the mall’s GameStop. Depending on who you ask, Texas is or isn’t an open carry state for “long arms,” aka rifles. The law is ambiguous by not ever actually mentioning long arms, but it’s generally accepted that Texas allows you to openly carry a rifle in certain situations. Like when you’re hunting, or driving to go hunt and have a gun rack mounted on the back of your pick ’em up truck, and that sort of thing. Patrolling for varmints and such. But it’s also generally accepted that this freedom does not translate well to urban environments, and certainly not to the environment of a shopping mall. Except that it’s not so generally accepted, at least by people who refuse to accept it. Read More

Posted on December 12, 2013
Not A #Beauliever
I am old. This should come as no surprise to anyone, since I’m always angry about something. This is a trait common to us elderly. And by elderly, I mean those in our late 30s, which is pretty much knocking on death’s door where twenty-somethings are concerned. And that’s probably how it should be.
Still, the annoying thing about youth is it always thinks it’s doing something new and that it got there first. But it didn’t. It’s just making newer versions of older mistakes and thinking itself clever in the process. And it hates old people, because they just don’t get it. Which is also probably how it should be.
But it still annoys me. Heck, twenty-somethings bothered me when I was a twenty-something. I’m just wired for annoyance. It’s in my blood. Or possibly my spleen. Maybe the pancreas. I don’t know; I’m not a doctor. I just know people piss me off, and I can’t ever keep my mouth shut about it. And that’s just how it is. Read More

Posted on December 5, 2013
Dashing Through The Dogma In A One Horse Open Sleigh
Today’s essay is a little different from what I’ve been writing as of late, and I hope that my faith in my readers is not misplaced when I tell you that I think you can handle this. It’s nothing new or revolutionary, or even unique. It’s just a few of my personal reflections on Christmas and religion, and a few things in-between. It’s a little long and a little messy, but it’s what came out when I sat down to start writing. Still, I know that many of you will take immediate offense as soon you start reading anything that may contradict your own beliefs, and I apologize in advance for making any of you uncomfortable. For those among you that are so easily offended, I ask only that you hear me out. It gets better after it gets worse, and I think it all comes together in the end. Then again, I’ve been known to completely adore myself, so I might be a bit biased when I assure you that I do, in fact, have a point – a point I suspect you may not disagree with quite so much as you might think. So, read on adventurer. Your quest awaits! Read More
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