The Troll Who Loved Ice Cream


Trey’s school has been doing a thing where parents come up and read short stories to the class. The student picks the story. The parent reads the story. Sounds pretty simple, right? Right. Unless your child is Trey and the parent is Me.

Instead of picking a story, my child decided that we should write a story. After many days of brainstorming, he finally comes up with, “A story about a grumpy, messy Troll that always eats too much food, and a kid that’s a Scientist who brings the Troll and a beautiful Fairy together so she can take care of him and they can be a family.”

So basically, it is The Story Of Us and, while I’m deeply impressed that’s he’s already speaking in metaphor at 7 years old, I’m also slightly hurt that some part of him sees me as a grumpy, messy troll with an eating disorder. But oh well, you can’t have everything.

He came up with the story idea, then plotted most of the individual elements. At the last minute, we added a change to the end (mostly for the sake of nuking a few “chapters” and keeping the length down, since I’ve got to read this out loud to his class within a 15-20 minute window), and he did the illustrations.

And that, as they say, is that. We just finished it up just now, so it’s probably riddled with spelling, grammar and typographical errors, so shut up. Read More

Morality vs Ethics: FIGHT!

god-on-facebookFacebook, always the great facilitator of respectful dialog between dissenting parties (in much the same way that Alexander dealt with the Gordian Knot, in that it usually devolves into trying to verbally slice each other into tiny pieces with word swords), has recently been abuzz with news about a transgender substitute teacher in my area being suspended from Lumberton ISD because of reasons involving her having a pee-pee where her hoo-hoo should be. (This is how people talk in the South. Just roll with it.) Read More

Because Texas…

texas_secede_mesh_hats-r3763784785be4c108afd62b67ae58ea3_v9wfy_8byvr_512I got involved in one of the wackiest, most bizarre Facebook comment wars I’ve ever seen, so I thought I’d share it. You know, for posterity. (Note: One of the crazies blocked me early on, so the very beginning might be a little scatterbrained with half of the conversation missing, but keep going. Your patience will be rewarded.)

As you read this bit of insanity regarding poor people, food stamps and bigotry (Oh, my!), keep in mind that without the continued support of The Lone Star State, all the nation’s crazy would have to be siphoned off by Oklahoma and Florida, and I’m afraid they just couldn’t contain it all. This is why you need Texas…otherwise, you might find your state suddenly filled with bitter, loathsome people like these miserable old coots. They have to go somewhere, you know.

Anyway…enjoy! (No, I didn’t black out any names to protect the not innocent. You can see by the little globe for the privacy settings that this was a public post, and people were commenting on it publicly. If anyone gets butthurt about his or her name being here, then next time think twice before publicly commenting on something in public. Also, if you don’t want people to find out you say horrible things, then try not saying horrible things.) Read More