What’s Wrong With…?

mario-question-blockI come across a lot of misinformation and confusion regarding a variety of topics on social media, so I thought I’d take a minute to create a handy reference guide for the good folks of the Internet to use whenever you find yourself wondering about a controversial issue. I hope you find it useful in your online discussions.

If you find that I haven’t covered a topic you’re interested in, please let me know by clicking the “suggest a topic” link at the bottom of the list. I want to make this as comprehensive an information source as I possibly can, so please don’t hesitate to let me know what I’ve left out.

Now, let’s get down to business. Read More

Butterfly In The Sky

p186048_b_v3_aaI never really got into Reading Rainbow. With the show having started in 1983 when I was eight years old and already an enormous geek, I didn’t need any encouragement to read. I was already doing that. A lot. Sure, I wasn’t reading anything too heavy at the time, and I was watching just as much Star Wars as I was reading any books with words in them, but I did read. At that age, it was mostly Encyclopedia Brown, Choose Your Own Adventure Books, the Lone Wolf series, and that sort of thing. The ’80s versions of Captain Underpants and Wimpy Kid, I guess you could say. The closest we had to Harry Potter back then was Lord of the Rings, which was a little too dense for eight year old me. Read More

These Colors Don’t Run, But They Do Clash

us-flag-baconYeah, I know George Washington didn’t ride up to Betsy Ross’ house and ask her to stitch the Stars and Stripes together. I know the Declaration of Independence wasn’t actually signed on July 4th. Yes, I’m aware that Independence day only celebrates when America declared its independence, not when it gained it. And I know about the War of 1812, thankyouverymuch. So let’s just not turn this into another one of those AH-HA! I’M SMARTER THAN YOU ABOUT ALL THE HISTORY THINGS kind of posts that you see everywhere these days. Because it’s not about that. This is about the America Flag. And modern color theory. And how awful the two can be when they meet. Read More