You’re The Man Now, Dog!

frustrated-writerSome days, I don’t know why I keep at this blog, sometimes pecking out ideas in a futile attempt to communicate, and other times assaulting my innocent keyboard with vicious, violent strikes at its delicate plastic keys, struggling to open a vein and pour a little blood into the transient, meaningless electronic world of the Internet. Today is one of the sanguine days, and I find myself doubting my commitment to continue giving a damn about you bunch of monstrous bastards. Read More

Big Sisters Are The Crab Grass In The Lawn Of Life…

twisted_sister_470x350It’s my big sister’s birthday, so I thought I would dedicate today’s entry to her. Although, by the time you reach her age, one would think she’d be tired of having birthdays by now, yet she stubbornly refuses to yield to the ravages of time and instead clings to her ever-diminishing vitality like an engorged tick feasting on the backside of a diseased and mangy junkyard dog. Sure, she’s a productive and responsible member of society as an elementary school teacher and a mother of three (four, if you count her Lost Boy husband), but she’s closer to retirement than me by three years – and that makes her a fully-vested, Geritol-popping member of the Seniors community in my eyes.

Since I clearly don’t ever care enough to send the very best to anyone, I’m avoiding the soul-shredding wordplay of Hallmark cards again this year. Instead, I thought it would be fun to take a brief trip down memory lane and share with the world my best – and worst – memories of my loving, aged sibling. Let’s begin! Read More

The Blog On The Edge Of Forever

450blacksm1aToday, I planned on writing at length about Harlan Ellison’s recent lawsuit (March 13, 2009) against Paramount. However, it occurred to me that most of you probably have no idea who Harlan Ellison is, and that is the sort of tragedy that I cannot let go without comment.

First off, the man known as Harlan Jay Ellison is a writer. He’s one of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, and certainly one of the most influential – especially amongst genre fiction. Without Ellison’s work, a lot of the things you think are the bee’s knees today wouldn’t even be around. You should thank the man. Read More