Posted on March 8, 2010
Opportunity Knocks
It’s been a little over two years since I nestled into a cozy little corner of the Internet to start up this oddly named and angry little blog, and most of the time has gone by in a flash. The beginning was rough, as beginnings often are, but with a little time and a whole lot of living, I eventually managed to ratchet down the fury and find a simpler pace. Of course, it didn’t hurt that I fell in love and started a family somewhere along the way, or that my frustrated little scribblings would start leading to bigger and better opportunities. And, while there are some things I still can’t talk about (things which I’ll leave to my creepy little cyberstalker to continue trying to ferret out, unsuccessfully), I can reveal one of them today: I stand on the precipice of a major career change. Read More

Posted on March 2, 2010
Strange Days
Yesterday was a strange and tiresome day, filled from morning yawn to evening snore with all manner of oddity and perversion. For starters, after setting a new alarm tone before going to sleep the previous night, I woke yesterday morning under the unconscious delusion that I was, in fact, defusing a bomb. It seems that, for whatever reason, the rhythmic chirping of the new alarm I’d set somehow registered as a timed explosive to my sleep-addled brain, and I truly felt that our lives depended upon my ability to shut the thing down before it went off and sent fleshy bits of newlywed flying all over the room, splattering the walls and staining the carpet. So, when the alarm went off, I went into action. In the haze of twilight sleep, my arms shot out from beside the bed and began flailing around the nightstand as my hands searched for the bomb. What they found, however, was nothing more explosive than Brittany’s iPod dock.
It was of sufficient heft and armed with enough buttons and gizmos to at least feel like an incendiary device, at any rate. I frantically began pushing buttons and sliding sliders, growing more agitated and angry with each new bleep and bloop of the recurring alarm, but nothing was working. No matter what I tried, I couldn’t shut off the bomb. It just continued its incessant chirping, over and over again. Thankfully, just when the slight edge of panic began to give way to unbridled rage as I sought to smash the thing into a billion pieces, the veil of sleep lifted and I realized what I was doing and what I was holding. I laughed at myself for a moment, then returned the iPod dock to the nightstand and shut off the alarm. I got out of bed, got dressed, and headed off to work. Then, things started to get weird. Read More

Posted on February 25, 2010
I have been banned from eBay. Not formally or anything, but Brittany has made it clear that I am to never again click on the shiny ‘Place Bid’ button that beckons me with its siren’s song from across the glittering wires of the Interwebs. Apparently, or so my lovely wife claims, my insatiable desire to win at all things great and small would eventually lead to our eventual and inevitable financial ruin, should I ever be allowed to participate in another online auction ever again. I’m sure I don’t know what she’s talking about, however, because to my way of thinking, a little healthy competition is good for the soul. Take, for instance, my first (and last) experience with an online auction that took place a couple of weeks ago: Read More
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