Posted on May 13, 2010
Descending Into Deconstruction
It’s been a good while since I last wrote something by way of turning my scalpel upon the tender meat of my own flesh, slicing it open and letting the slithery viscera of my own insecurities spill out onto the examination table for the pleasure of external review, so I invite you to step inside the operating theater today, while I commence with the self-vivisection. Refreshments will be served after the ritual bloodletting concludes. Read More
Posted on May 6, 2010
Genius + Twitter = :(
A few moons back, there appeared upon the planet a strange and curious new entity called the Internet. At first, (and I’m speaking of the post-academic Internet here) it went by names like Compuserv and America On-Line for people who didn’t know any better, and it was touted as this big equalizing force that would help mankind ascend to loftier heights of wisdom and understanding. But mostly, it was just animated .GIFs and porn. Now, it’s modern classics of literature. And porn. Read More
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