Posted on July 13, 2010
I Am Not Matthew Perry
First, some business. The next installment of Snowflakes In Autumn will go up next week, broken into two parts and published on Tuesday and Thursday. I’ll probably keep the goal for Chapter Six set at $75, since you guys met that pretty quickly (although much of it was due to a generous donation from a Ms. X in New York, who did wonders to combat the Southern perception of Damn Yankees). We’ll see if we make it to $75 in round two as fast as we did with the first effort. I think you can do it. Don’t disappoint me or bad things will happen. I have connections… Read More
Posted on July 6, 2010
Party Time! Excellent!
It’s Tuesday, which means Coquetting Tarradiddles is back to its regular posting schedule. I apologize for all the confusion while I got my feet wet with my first experiment in the serialization of my novel, Snowflakes In Autumn, but things should go smoother from here on in. I’m wrestling a bit with the Donate / Contribute / Whatever button right now as I try and persuade the demons chained to the walls of the PayPal basement that my bank account does, in fact, belong to me. There’s been some confusion, as it was previously associated with another e-mail address and somehow tied to my ex-wife’s lingering online presence, but I think I have things squared away now. I’m just waiting for a confirmation at this point, after which I’ll slap up the button and you little goblins can start sending me money. Read More
Posted on June 23, 2010
It’s A Mario Party!
Hello, kiddies. This is my first essay since I started posting Snowflakes In Autumn, so I probably have a lot to say. However, I’m going to keep things relatively brief today before we move on to the last two installments of Chapter Two later in the week. My days of late have been filled mostly with work, writing and party planning for Trey’s 4th birthday extravaganza. Due to his unwavering adoration of all things Super Mario, he started asking for a Mario party back in March and hasn’t waivered in his decision since. His actual birthday is this Friday, so we’ve planned his party for Saturday and Brittany and I have spent the past several weeks trying to figure out how to make this happen after discovering that there’s an amazing amount of Mario birthday party merchandise NOT out there. Instead, we’ve had to get Crafty. Read More
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