Posted on August 10, 2010
The Return of the Me
Things have been quiet here at Coquetting Tarradiddles for the past few weeks. There are reasons for this, but they’re nothing too out of the ordinary. Let’s just say that things have been both Busy and Interesting, which is not always an altogether pleasant combination of activities. Some unfortunate and unavoidable legal issues arose with Brittany’s ex that needed to be dealt with, in addition to car trouble, work busyness and all sorts of other fun and mundane life stuff.
The legal issues came about, once again, due to problems with Trey’s dad and his summer visitation (along with unpaid child support), but they have been put behind us once more. For now, at any rate. This time mediation failed and actual court proceedings developed, wherein Brittany was forced to defend herself against her ex’s…shall we say, creative version of the truth. Fortunately, our attorney was easily able to quash each fabrication by quick and decisive blows with the blunt club of Fact, and everything worked out fine. Still, it was interesting to see just how far into fiction things can go when emotions run high, but complex and inconsistent, nonsensical testimony isn’t much of a threat against demonstrable fact along with the clear and simple truth. Read More

Posted on July 15, 2010
Recorded Before A Live Studio Audience
I was at a loss for a subject for today’s post until about half an hour ago, after Brittany disclosed her discovery of the vile and regrettable videotaped evidence of my first wedding. She’s been working on cleaning out the accumulated detritus of my office, which has – for the last year or so – been the dumping ground of everything that wouldn’t fit anywhere else in the house. It started with boxes, when my parents moved into my house for a brief period after their home was bisected by a giant tree during Hurricane Ike. Then, after they moved into an apartment and I moved myself back home and brought Brittany and Trey along with me, the boxes gave way to scattered bits of furniture and bulky toys before eventually progressing into the catch-all area for anything and everything that we didn’t want to throw out, but had no idea what to do with. It’s been long past time to gut the sucker. Read More
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