Posted on December 13, 2012
Magic and muppets
If you’re the type of adult who would strip all belief in magic & wonder from a child, you’re a vile bastard and no one should ever love you.
I tweeted that the other night, after Trey let me know that an adult he trusts told him that Sesame Street is for babies, and that the characters are just puppets. I guess by itself, that’s not entirely a bad thing. I mean, Trey is six years old now (-now 9 in 2015, and it continues; he just told me he had every Captain Underpants and Wimpy Kid book he owns at one house confiscated, because he spends too much time reading ‘kid books’) and it’s probably time to put away childish things like enjoying educational public television and believing in cookie-eating muppets. But for whatever reason, I guess I’m just overly sensitive to adults pushing kids to grow up on their schedule rather than their kid’s. I mean, I know I’m only his stepdad, but personally, I think it’s my job to cram as much magic and amazement into Trey’s life as possible. The world will try its best to squeeze it out of him as fast as it can, but I think it’s a parent’s responsibility to push back. Because there’s a lot to be said for being able to truly believe in the impossible when you’re young. It helps you still believe in what you know is possible as an adult, even when everyone around you says it isn’t. Read More

Posted on September 15, 2012
Texas: Where Any Gay Is Too Gay
Texas school principal shuts down entire cosmetology course to keep a gay man from taking it. Yep, everything is bigger in Texas. Even the bigotry. —-
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In case you live under a rock, or just someplace more enlightened than the backwoods armpit of America I call home, you might not be aware of what I’m going to talk about today. That’s ok, though. I can bring you up to speed. But be aware that, while I’ve written this in my standard irreverent tone, it’s a very serious issue. Please lend your support accordingly. Read More

Posted on March 8, 2012
The Big Easy
New Orleans. City of southern dreams. The Big Easy. The nightmarish land of loneliness and regret. Take your pick.
As you may have noticed, I’ve been absent for the past couple of months. At first, this was due to a lack of interest in the gaming series I was writing, but quickly became about just not having the time to sit down and string a few predicates and participles together. My new job is great, but it’s fairly exhausting. Especially when I’ve made two week-long trips to New Orleans in as many months. I think I kind of hate New Orleans. Read More
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