Posted on January 29, 2014
Broken Age Top 10
Go buy Broken Age. It is your civic duty as a citizen of whatever noble country you’re from, and a fundamental obligation of all human beings living on this planet. Or maybe it’s not. Sometimes I’m prone to hyperbole. But the world definitely needs more of Tim Schafer and Double Fine. Or maybe just the gaming world, which is like the real world, only better.
Hear me out, though. And when I’m done, maybe you’ll feel inclined to go purchase a copy of the game for reasons. So without further verbal ado, I present to you… Read More

Posted on January 14, 2014
Broken Age NottaReview
“You ever wish you were born earlier, when the adventures were real?“
“Like, the 90s?”
“No. Earlier. Like…the early 90s.“
(If you read this earlier and are looking for the second half of this NottaReview, then click here to jump straight to the update.)
Broken Age is a beautiful, funny and surprisingly touching game. But in a good way. No bad touching. As a parent, it reaches one hand through your eye holes and the other through your ear tunnels and they meet in the middle of your chest, where your feelings live. And then they squeeze. Read More
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