Spam: Part The Second

SpamIt’s that time again. My Inbox is filling up, and the only way I know how to get rid of Spam is to reply to it. And then post it all for you to enjoy. Or groan at because my jokes are stupid. Whichever. I hate you, shut up.

I’m starting out with just four choice little emails today, but I’ll add more in the coming days until I hit another even ten. Then, I’ll start the whole thing over again with Part Three. Assuming I haven’t snapped by that point. I’m also including screen captures of the spam, because last time I copied and pasted text and edited out full names and email addresses to protect the senders’  privacy and, well, ain’t nobody got time for that. Sorry, annoying spammy people. Read More

Party Time. Roll For Initiative!

UmnZp1o_FIShB_D0jgLHLrnU3lv1BzFXccZbzwWFHU0,UIXFiLXkWks0XdZruOt2wGp_GFA5jkM70mJdm34fPIs,kNP_BM4PFyO4YEUNXs6iSDgdrw37klmZt2tVuQC2N7o,vZBzdF2XoXAulGcJwXFghsIfe1fMCV6qVBjIKp4BgCkMy stepson turned eight last week, and it’s all happening too fast. He was two when I met him, which was like, five minutes ago. But it is what it is, I guess. The fire of time consumes all things. Bleak. Depression. Blah.

BUT, he had a FANTASTIC party. Wrote a blog post about it. Wanna read it? Here it go!

Earlier this year, I happened to be cruising around the Internet (because surfing it is so ’90s) and stopped on Geek and Sundry’s TableTop channel. For those of you heathens out there who don’t know, TableTop is a fantastic web series where the always groovy Wil Wheaton hosts a few folks for a rousing game of Super Awesome Board/Dice/Whatever games. It’s a fun show. You should watch it. But not right now. Finish reading this first, because it’s pretty cool. I promise. Read More

Happy Fun Spam Times!

5491732605_a0e2b631aa_mI get a lot of spam email. And when I say a lot, I mean, like, way more than should be legal. In the past, I’ve violently sent them to my Spam folder in a fit of impotent rage that never works, but recently I’ve taken a different tact. I’ve started replying…

Here’s a collection of some of my Happy Fun Spam Times emails. I’ll add to this post as I get more spam, so check back often. You know, if you’re in to that sort of thing.

(I killed the idea of making this into multiple posts, so I combined Part Two with this one. If you were redirected here from the other link, don’t panic. That was supposed to happen.) Read More