Posted on June 17, 2015
The Problem With Supermoms
You know the type. They always have the perfect plan for the perfect day with their perfect children that goes perfectly as planned, as documented by perfect Instagram pics and Facebook posts. They always have An Answer for everything, and a Tsk-Tsk Comment for anything. And they’re all full of crap. Read More
Posted on June 16, 2015
There’s a festival in China that you’ve probably never heard of, that you really need to hear about. And then shout about, because sometimes social media slacktivism can make a difference. In this case, it’s about the only thing any of us can do, and it looks like it’s working. Or at least has a chance.
The festival in question takes place in Yulin, China and involves eating dogs. And that’s about it.
There’s a lot of alcohol involved too, apparently, but mostly it’s about eating dogs. And puppies. And people’s pets. Read More
Posted on June 14, 2015
Open Crazy, Texas
This past weekend, there was another shooting in America. This one was in Dallas, Texas. At police HQ, of all places. The gunman sprayed the building with rounds from an assault rifle and planted explosives before fleeing in his van, presumably to go back to his home down by the river. He never made it though, because a police sniper took him out and all was again right with the world. Somehow, he managed to neither kill nor wound anyone in his lunatic attack, which was nice.
Minutes after it was all over, Texas Governor Greg Abbott displayed a profound insensitivity to sensitivity by immediately signing a new open carry law for the state, allowing the open carry of handguns in addition to “long guns”. Then, just to make sure everyone knows how ‘Murica he is, he tweeted a picture of himself doing a little shootporn down at the gun range. Because yeehaw Texas and freedom and whatever.
We’re a classy lot here in the Lone Star state.
Of course, open carry is complete nonsense.
Now let me tell you why… Read More
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