Dead Bloggers Society

i-atent-deadJenny Lawson made a post (yeah, I say “made a post” because “posted a post” sounds stupid; shut up) yesterday, answering the question of, “Is blogging dead?” – which was perfect timing, since I’d started writing yesterday what I’m posting today, because yesterday was one of those awful what’s the damn point? days that my depression house guest often brings over for an uninvited visit, so I didn’t post it. I didn’t even finish it, to be honest. See if you can spot where I rage quit.

So anyway, here’s what I started yesterday that I wasn’t going to finish until I read Jenny’s post and found the will to keep going. Or at least to not give a shit.

It could go either way, really. Read More

Felicia’s Day

felicia-day-book-coverFelicia Day’s book just came out, and I’ve been annoyed ever since I heard she was writing it. I wasn’t sure why, exactly, the idea of some person I’d never met writing a book had me perturbed, but I’m pretty sure it had something to do with the fact that what she was writing was a memoire. In her mid-30s.

What gives her the right to think anyone would even care about the memoire of someone who’s barely been able to legally drink for a little over a decade? What could she possibly have to share that makes her so important that she could get a book deal over it?

Maybe that was it. She got a book deal to tell her life story, however brief it may be, and I haven’t. I’m 40. I have, like, ones of years more experience than her!

But no, that wasn’t it.

What upset me was the fact that I’m kind of an asshole. Read More

Depression Lies

depression-1I’m not okay.

It’s hard to admit that, and even harder to do it here, on a blog I only just recently decided to walk away from. People who do not like me (and they are legion) will treat this new post as a punchline to my last one, where I declared my intent to be done with this site. They’ll crack jokes and snicker, and do all the other horrible things Internet People do to make the lives of others a little less bearable.

Which is fine. I can take it. I’ve been dealing with that sort of person my entire life. For a very brief period in the Lord of the Flies middle school years, I was one of those people, and I’ll always regret it.

But now I’m past the point of caring about the opinions of people who just like watching others fail – for the moment, at least. Ask me again tomorrow, and I’ll probably be biting my fingernails and crying in the shower over how miserable they’ve made me feel. And an hour after that, I’ll have moved on to worrying about something else.

Because that’s how Depression works.

Although, I never actually realized that until literally just now, after Wil Wheaton told me that’s how it works. Read More