What Trump’s Old Tweets Would Look Like With 280 Characters

In case you haven’t heard, Twitter is raising the character limit on tweets from 140 characters to 280, which should make Donald Trump’s late night toilet-tweeting twice as completely freaking mental.

To give you an idea of what that might look like, I’ve taken 10 of his old tweets and bumped them up to exactly 280 characters each.

You know, for clarity. Read More

Kniefalling in the NFL

Yesterday, I wrote about how ridiculous it is for people to be offended over other people offended – and I stand by that. Taking offense to offense is just some next level Inception type shit, but without all the cool zero gravity hallway fights. It’s dumb, and you should stop doing that. Assuming you’re one of the people who’s doing it, that is. If you’re not one of the ones doing it, keep right on doing everything you’re not doing. Or something. I’m confused now.

See? INCEPTION. Read More

Can We Please Stop Being Offended Over People Being Offended?

We’ve all heard about the Great Controversy Of Our Time, or really, the day. The hour, maybe. Honestly, it’s impossible to keep track these days. I feel like maybe we should be keeping some sort of permanent, up-to-the-minute record for future generations, but I’m not sure there’s even a data center big enough to catalog and store them all. Read More