The Importance of Music in a Marriage

First up, a quick disclosure: I’m on my last marriage. Technically, it’s my second marriage, but since I don’t plan on ever walking down the aisle again under any circumstances, I’m confident that this will be my last one.

Second, allow me to dispel any notions that this will be some sordid story about exactly how and why my first marriage failed. It just did. These things happen. Boy meets girl, boy marries girl, it turns out girl has an unhealthy obsession with Madonna, and then it’s all downhill from there.

Irreconcilable differences.
Let me explain. Read More

Trumpsgiving – A Thanksgiving Story

A Thanksgiving Story

’Twas the night of Thanksgiving, when in the White House
Prince Trumperdinck was tweeting, ignoring his spouse;
“I hate fake news, Hannity’s my only comrade,
But CNN and the New York Times are just SAD!”

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A Few Words About Undercarriage Proctology

As I write this, I’ve just spent the past four hours up the butt of a total stranger. Well, no. That’s not technically accurate. It was more like three and a half hours, with the first thirty minutes being more foreplay than anything else. It was an interesting experience, but not one I necessarily wish to revisit anytime soon. Or ever.

Let me explain. Read More