The Big Easy

New Orleans. City of southern dreams. The Big Easy. The nightmarish land of loneliness and regret. Take your pick. As you may have noticed, I’ve been absent for the past couple of months. At first, this was due… Read More

Christmas. Again.

It’s time to talk about The Christmas Problem again, which I did last year and will repeat a bit this year, but most of it’s fresh. Or at least not dead-horse-beaten quite yet. Or maybe it is. I can never tell.

Occupy Nothing

I’ve been meaning to write something about the Occupy protests for awhile now, but I was busy being unemployed. You’d think that would make me a perfect candidate to embrace the 99% and bang my outrage into my keyboard and onto the web as soon as possible, but it didn’t. Probably because being unemployed has its side effects. Like having to shut off Internet access for six months because I couldn’t afford it.